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Every now and again, manufacturers, distributors, retailers and contract customers sometimes end up with surplus, discontinued, or other products that they are looking to clear.

This may be due to design updates, product code changes, cancelled orders or many other reasons.

Many times, these products sit for months, or even years on shelves, and sadly sometimes, will end up in landfill.

I'm currently working with many of the UK and Europe's top companies to help them sell through their excess stock, and help them clear their warehouses, making room for new products and generating revenue.

With well over a million pounds worth of stock at my fingertips, below is just a small amount of what is available.

The prices reflect the speed in which these products are moving, and while ideally I would like to move these in bulk, individual sales are also welcome.

So if you are a retail customer, installer, contractor, house builder or anybody else in the market for stock, please get in touch.

If you can't see what you need listed, then please email your requirements to, and I will try to source you the best products at the leanest prices. 

Alternatively, if you currently have stock to clear, please get in touch to see how I can help.









Radiator Valves

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